It allows you to see your desktop behind any open windows. Hi Typ-, We cannot disable this feature in Windows 7 RTM and the final version. So when you hover But if you don’t like or use this Aero Peek Feature in Windows, you can easily disable it. The Aero Shake feature has been there since Windows 7 and you can enable or disable it on Windows 10 using three methods. Move the mouse away to see your open windows again. RELATED: How to Disable Aero Peek in Windows. To disable Aero Peek, move your cursor to the bottom right corner and right-click. To do so, you simply have to move your cursor to the extreme right part of your taskbar and hold it there. Provide useful password recovery tricks, guides and software, on 4 Ways to Enable or Disable Aero Peek in Windows 10 / 8 / 7, 4 Ways to Enable or Disable Aero Peek in Windows 10 / 8 / 7, Disable Drag and Drop to Prevent Accidental Move or Copy in Windows 10, Easy Ways to Check Screen Resolution in Windows 10, How to Disable, Enable and Use Reading List in Chrome, Fix: Office Word 2019 / 2016 Showing Two Pages Side by Side, Easy Way to Run File Explorer with Admin Rights in Windows 10, Press the Windows + R keyboard shortcut to open the Run dialog, then type, On the System Properties dialog box, select the. Aero Peak ti consente di "dare il massimo" dietro tutte le finestre per poter dare un'occhiata al tuo desktop. You’ll get a similar option “Use Aero Peek to preview the desktop” that allows you to enable or disable Aero Peek. Aero Peek is at the little rectangle at the extreme bottom right of your desktop. Also, you can have taskbar preview thumbnails completely disabled in Windows 10, along with the right corner desktop preview feature (Aero Peek). We’ll show you how to make Aero Peek display instantly instead.

Aero Peek merupakan fitur yang sudah ada semenjak era Windows 7, fitur ini memungkinkan kamu untuk melihat tampilan desktop tanpa perlu mengecilkan semua jendela aplikasi yang terbuka. Windows 10 aero peek disable System > Multitasking.