A great way of getting some good weapons can be to dismantle all of the weapons that you barely ever use, and take the Gunsmith Materials you get from them to Banshee-44, who will reward you with Legendary weapons for your efforts.īut don't forget to try out the Trials of the Nine mode in the Crucible! Although you will need to form a Fireteam of four players in order to enter the elite mode, the rewards that can be gained from even taking part can give your character a nice Power level boost. Check out our Destiny 2 Exotic weapons guide if you want to get your hands on some of the best weapons in the game. You'll want to keep an eye out for any quests that reward you with Exotic weapons, like the MIDA Multi-Tool and the Rat King. Head over to our Public Events guide, so you know how to activate every Heroic Public Event in Destiny 2. Heroic Public Events are a great way of obtaining some Legendary and Exotic Engrams, if you're lucky enough. If you trade enough Tokens in to 'level up' a vendor, they'll reward you with Legendary gear, which scales with your Power level to a maximum of level 265.
Turning in Tokens with vendors nearly always guarantees you some high level gear. These Milestones reset every Tuesday, so you can rinse and repeat them for the best gear possible. These include playing enough Strike and Crucible matches, as well as the weekly Nightfall Strike. Always try and complete the weekly Milestone challenges in the Director. But what are the best methods for obtaining the more elite items in Destiny 2? We'll run down the best methods just below: Best Ways to Gain High Level Power Level Points in Destiny 2 To increase your Power level, you'll want to obtain the very best gear you can, including Legendary and Exotic weapon and armor items. Meet Coldheart, one of the best Exotic weapons around.
The challenge now is to increase your Power level to right around 270 and beyond, so you can comfortably take part in the Destiny 2 Leviathan Raid. Once you've finished the main campaign of Destiny 2 (which will likely take you around 8-10 hours), you'll find yourself right around Power level 200, and just getting to the endgame content of Destiny 2. The Power level that most people tend to stall at is 265, but we'll be running down methods to help you increase your Power level no matter where you're at, so you cn hit the Destiny 2 Power Level cap in no time. In this Destiny 2 Power level guide, we'll be going over the best methods to enhance your Power level once it reaches a certain point in the endgame.